
you may remember the last post I sent in January where I proposed the way of how tests for XML-RPC will be organized. Well, things changed and since I am going to finish my bachelor thesis I would like to present you the result.

After a lot of discussions with my supervisors and hours of work I have managed to connect the code coverage tools. The reason why there is code coverage is that documentation for both APIs does not exist. Frontend API comes just with specification of all calls, but it does not mention any behavior. The test requirements therefore come from the source code.

The "project" consists of two modules -- the tests module and coverage module.

The tests module contains BeakerLib-based tests. There is also a BeakerLib plugin which utilizes common actions. These tests basically call some XML-RPC procedure, assert the results, and check whether there was an addition to the server log (httpd's error_log or tomcat's catalina.out based on type of tested API -- frontend/backend). This module works standalone and does not depend on anything from coverage module.

The coverage module extends the tests module by measuring the code coverage (branch coverage, actually). It does need to be installed and handled by a superuser. Installation instruments the rhn.jar using Cobertura and updates the mod_wsgi/mod_python configuration to use different handlers. These handlers just start and stop the collecting of coverage data using coverage.py and wrap the real handlers. After installation it is possible to see which parts of code was executed using bundled scripts. There might be a problem with superuser privileges (Cobertura flushes the coverage data into file only on tomcat's shutdown and therefore the tomcat must be restarted before evaluation of coverage can start) but since it is reasonable to use it only against development installation, it should not be a problem to run few scripts as a superuser.

The example of output (just tests module with one failing test out of two):

tests-module$ ./runtests.sh
FAIL of /auth/login: See /tmp/beakerlib-XR30U3q/journal.txt
Passed 1 out of 2 tests

The example of output (the coverage module calling the same tests as above):

coverage-module$ sudo ./runtests.sh
Coverage data file were successfully reset
FAIL of /auth/login: See /tmp/beakerlib-eFh18KQ/journal.txt
Passed 1 out of 2 tests
Branch coverage: Java 1%, Python 3%

If you are interested in the HTML coverage reports, see these:

   * Coverage.py HTML report (~ 1.5 MB):
   * Cobertura HTML report (~ 5 MB): http://vlki.cz/java_html_report.tar.gz

Everything was tested using Spacewalk 1.2/Fedora 14.

Well... Do you like it? Do you find it useful?

Thanks for your thoughts,
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