I nacked this in EPEL5:
But that does not mean it will not get into EPEL5 so we should watch
this closely.

We may prepare ourself for testing this new release in EPEL6 and Fedora.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Cobbler 2.2.0 released
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 06:56:45 -0500
From: James Cammarata <j...@sngx.net>
Reply-To: cobbler development list <cobbler-de...@lists.fedorahosted.org>
To: cobbler mailing list <cobb...@lists.fedorahosted.org>,
cobbler development list <cobbler-de...@lists.fedorahosted.org>

Cobbler 2.2 has been tagged and released, with RPMS built and
available in EPEL-testing now. This release incorporates a ton of new

* Import modules, which allowed easy integration of...
* Ubuntu and Debian support again!
* Better support for SuSE
* Support for FreeBSD
* Support for ESX 4+/ESXi
* Integration with the python TFTP server pytftpd
* "fetchable files" and "boot files" support for distros that need to
get more files from the TFTP server
* Faster sync using link cache
* Support for EFI grub booting
* Support for bridged interfaces
* WSGI instead of mod_python for the web interface.
* Lots of Web UI improvements
* A lot more I'm sure I missed when going through the change log


* Seriously way too many to list individually. Read the change log,
there were almost 1000 commits since the last release!

This will also start the new development period, in which we will
target a major release every 6 months. That means we should release
2.4 in April of 2012, with periodic updates to 2.2.x monthly for bug
fixes. February 6th of 2012 will mark the end of the development
period for 2.4, after which only bug fixes will be applied to the
master branch until 2.4 is released.

Thanks and enjoy!
cobbler-devel mailing list

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