On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 05:42:38PM +0100, Michael Calmer wrote:
> after a little debugging I found out that the following function never return 
> in case of postgres is used:
> package RHN::DB::User;
> sub lock_web_contact()
> It stops at this query:
>  'SELECT * FROM web_contact WHERE id = :user_id FOR UPDATE'
> It seems, that postgres support "FOR UPDATE" so I do not understand why it 
> does not work.
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/sql-select.html#SQL-FOR-UPDATE-SHARE
> Maybe DBD:Pg has trouble with it?
>   $sth->execute_h(user_id => $params{uid}); 
> does not return.
> Does somebody has an idea?

On my Spacewalk 1.6 on RHEL 5,

        # perl -MRHN::User -e 'RHN::User->lock_web_contact(uid => 2);'

returns just fine. Can you try newer DBD::Pg or something?

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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