The correct URL is

19 July 2012 2:15 PM
The SatOps is a Ruby script using the Satellite XML/RPC API to export/import content, partially or entirely - well as much as possible.

From an architecture viewpoint, the SatOps allows to scale up RHN Satellite/Spacewalk topologies such as having a Master reference and synchronising Slaves.
This has proven very useful for keeping DR Satellite content aligned and avoid the "swivel chair syndrome".

For instance maintaining one SOE definition set across Production master and DR slave RHN Satellites in active/active mode.

The SatOps has been in production for months at several "big" organisations sites using RHN Satellite for managing thousands of RHEL servers.

For more details, please check out

Aurelien Gouny                                Email:
Red Hat Asia-Pacific                          Phone:     +61 2 8923 2835
Level 35 - 100 Miller Street                  Mobile:    +61 432 146 000
North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia              GnuPG Key ID:   0x53E08904

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