Hello list,
I would like to add two functionnalities to Spacewalk (without any
idea on an approx date) but would like to check with you if it's OK.
1) Add a page on System to manages services on the clients, with 2 views:
a) Something like the output of chkconfig command (dunnon how to get
this from python!), and being able to modify the configuration
b) Planify start/stop/restart of the services (interface to service command)
2) Have the soft partitionning of the client in the web ui

Now, my questions.
First, do you agree this would be interesting features?
Now on an architecture point of view:
- should it be an additional client package or integrated in the actual code?
- on the server, should it be new web pages or integrated in existing ones?
- If you have any advices, I'll take them with great pleasure!

Thanks in advance,


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