Hello everyone,

your wait is now over as we are announcing the release 1.8 of
Spacewalk, a systems management solution.

The download locations are

    * http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/1.8/RHEL/5/$basearch/
    * http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/1.8/RHEL/6/$basearch/
    * http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/1.8/Fedora/16/x86_64/
    * http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/1.8/Fedora/17/x86_64/ 

with client repositories under

    * http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/1.8-client

For fresh installations, please use steps from

    * https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/HowToInstall 

If you plan to upgrade from older release, search no more -- the
following page will guide you:

    * http://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/HowToUpgrade 

Features & Enhancements in Spacewalk 1.8

    * Spacewalk runs on Fedora 17
    * Spacewalk can be run on the same machine as Oracle XE 11g
    * OpenSCAP functionality extended
    * osa-dispatcher is now systemd service in Fedora
    * Server-side support for registering ARM clients
    * Integration with SUSE Studio
    * Basic ABRT notification
    * Distribution-channel mapping can be customized per organization
    * Systems requiring reboot view
    * Extra packages view
    * spacewalk-repo-sync now downloads comps information, enabling
      yum group operations
    * WebUI and usability improvements
    * PostgreSQL improvements
    * Cobbler 2.0 now packaged in Spacewalk repos
    * Archived actions now can be deleted
    * Modified API calls:
        * configchannel.createOrUpdatePath now accepts also binary
          attribute and has fixed handling of binary files
        * configchannel.lookupFileInfo and system.getScriptResults
          now returns base64 encoded content for binary files
        * system.scap.scheduleXccdfScan can be scheduled for multiple
          servers and with timestamp to fire the scan
        * system.provisionVirtualGuest accepts MAC address parameter 
    * New API calls:
        * channel.software.addRepoFilter, .setRepoFilters,
          .clearRepoFilters, .removeRepoFilter, .listRepoFilters
        * errata.cloneAsOriginalAsync, errata.cloneAsync
        * kickstart.profile.getCfgPreservation,
        * schedule.deleteActions
        * system.scap.listXccdfScans, system.scap.getXccdfScanDetails,
        * system.listSystemsWithExtraPackages, system.listExtraPackages,
        * distchannel.listMapsForOrg, distchannel.setMapForOrg 
    * We parted with API call:
        * distchannel.setDefaultMap 

The up-to-date API documentation can be found at


Our thanks go to the community members who contributed to this release:

    Aron Parsons
    Duncan Mac-Vicar
    Gael Chamoulaud
    Joerg Steffens
    Johannes Renner
    Jonathan Hoser
    Joshua Roys
    Michael Calmer
    Nigel Jones
    Paresh Mutha
    Pierre Casenove
    Richard Marko
    Stefan Meyer
    Steven Hardy
    Tasos Papaioannou
    Uwe Gansert
    William van de Velde 


Some statistics

In Spacewalk 1.8, we've seen

    258 bugs fixed
    1799 changesets committed
    2506 commits done 

User community, reporting issues

To reach the user community with questions and ideas, please use mailing
list spacewalk-l...@redhat.com. On this list, you can of course also
discuss issues you might find when installing or using Spacewalk, but
please do not be surprised if we ask you to file bug at
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Spacewalk with more
details or full logs.

Thank you for using Spacewalk. 

Happy birthday, Mirek, Michael, and Stephen.

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

Spacewalk-devel mailing list

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