Maximilian Meister wrote:
% Hi,
% after the password strength meter went through, I have another enhancement
% related to the password field.
% On the edit user page, there are placeholders in the password fields.
% The placeholders are plain *'s, so if I add some characters after
% the placeholder
% like [******<newchars>] my new password will contain the placeholder
% instead
% of my expectation [<oldpass><newchars>].
% That could lead to locking out of a user.
% This patch makes sure that you can't lock yourself out accidentally
% like this.

Hello Maximilian,

I think there's an easier way to do it in a plain html without new
javascript file. If you replace 

    <input type="password" name="desiredpassword" maxlength="32" value="******" 


    <input type="password" name="desiredpassword" maxlength="32" 
placeholder="••••••" class="form-control">

(similar to e.g. search field on the page) there will be greyed out dots
and user have to type whole password and can't submit placeholder string
anymore. ('•' is unicode BULLET char U+2022.) Well, there's one more
step needed - UserEditActionHelper class have to be updated to accept empty
password as no change in password.

What do you think about this?


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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