On 03/03/2014 06:44 PM, Lamont Peterson wrote:
> Would it not make the most sense for Action Chains to be defined without
> any systems, then to schedule an action chain to run against either a
> single system or SSM?

It could, but there are two problems with that approach:

1) it requires to basically duplicate a lot of the user interface just
for Action Chaining. To install a package, for example, you have a page
that allows you to select a channel - such logic should be replicated in
the Action Chaining UI. Same goes for all Actions (select a
configuration channel to select a configuration file to deploy, select
an installed package to remove it, etc). From a development perspective,
this is easily some extra months, which was considered too expensive;

2) it requires to either rewrite or ignore all checks that are currently
done before scheduling Actions - for example with current UI you cannot
install a package on a system if it is not subscribed to the appropriate
channel, and you cannot run a remote command if the system is not
configured to do so. Defining an "abstract" Action Chain and applying it
later to a set of systems would require to apply all those checks in a
different point in time and with a different logic, which basically
boilsdown to rewriting them or refactoring them heavily. Current
implementation has the advantage of reusing current workflow thus
"inheriting" those checks for free. Again your proposal is not
impossible, but it is much harder.

Volunteers welcome :-)

Silvio Moioli
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg Germany

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