Thanks Jan, Tomas!
> [1]
> Regards,
Yes, we know it is upstream, but on the other hand,
we wanted to try our hand at Fedora22 and Spacewalk;

We are way away of being ready for role-out, that said,
my take is that using upstream and nightly should be ok for
the preliminary testing/fiddling.

If we can help someone else along, the better.

Towards that:

What is the sense behind the code in dnf-plugin/
get_gpg_key_urls / is_valid_gpg_key_url?
Are there - in row/followup of complaining about non-local gpg-key-files
- plans to automatically import them to dnf/yum/rpm?

Might I raise the point that such changes should then also be carried
over to e.g. spacewalk-common-channels?

AND installing dnf-plugin-spacewalk does disable the spacewalk-repos on
the machine... (/etc/dnf/plugins/spacewalk.conf )

We head of for more testing and tinkering,

Jonathan Hoser, M.Sc.
Institute of Bioinformatics and System Biology

Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH)
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
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