On Mon, 2009-08-10 at 12:51 -0500, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> Second key?   Can you post what you see there (the full output from
> "cobbler profile report --name=foo") ?

Sure thing...

# cobbler profile report
profile              :
distro               : rhel-x86_64-server-5-3:1:Spacewalk-Public-Cert
comment              : 
created              : Mon Aug  3 15:30:11 2009
dhcp tag             : default
enable menu          : True
kernel options       : {}
kickstart            : 
ks metadata          : {'org': 1}
mgmt classes         : []
modified             : Mon Aug 10 11:46:01 2009
name servers         : []
name servers search  : []
owners               : ['admin']
post kernel options  : {}
redhat mgmt key      :
redhat mgmt server   : <<inherit>>
repos                : []
server               : <<inherit>>
template_files       : {}
virt bridge          : xenbr0
virt cpus            : 1
virt file size       : 5
virt path            : /var/lib/xen/rhel-x86_64-server-5-3-default
virt ram             : 512
virt type            : qemu


It's the first key that's unknown to me... the second matches up with
the activation key assigned to this distribution.  Perhaps I'm missing
something about how this is supposed to work.



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