Hi all...

Here's a new one for me.  I just setup a new activation key, distro and
kickstart for RHEL 5.4 x86_64... and from what I can tell, it's
identical to my working RHEL 5.3 x86_64 setup.  The kickstart works just
peachy, however, at the registration snippet, I get this error:


Error Message:
    Conflicting base channels
Error Class Code: 63
Error Class Info: Conflicting activation tokens


The following is the cobbler profile:


profile              : rhel-x86_64-server-5-4:1:Spacewalk-Public-Cert
distro               : rhel-x86_64-server-5-4:1:Spacewalk-Public-Cert
comment              : 
created              : Mon Nov 16 14:08:41 2009
dhcp tag             : default
enable menu          : True
kernel options       : {}
kickstart            : 
ks metadata          : {'org': 1}
mgmt classes         : []
modified             : Tue Nov 17 13:21:00 2009
name servers         : []
name servers search  : []
owners               : ['admin']
post kernel options  : {}
redhat mgmt key      :
redhat mgmt server   : <<inherit>>
repos                : []
server               : <<inherit>>
template_files       : {}
virt bridge          : xenbr0
virt cpus            : 1
virt file size       : 3
virt path            : 
virt ram             : 512
virt type            : qemu


I see two management keys there.  The latter being my activation key in
Spacewalk... the former being something auto-generated by cobbler (I
think).  If I manually register this host, using the command that's
listed in the post-install portion of the kickstart:

rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=https://apptest-507.wichita.edu/XMLRPC

It fails miserably... with the same error.  However, if I remove the
auto-generated activation key... it works just peachy.  My working RHEL
5.3 kickstart/profile also includes an auto-generated activation key,
but doesn't barf during post-install.

What magic am I missing here?

Andy Speagle

"THE Student" - UCATS
Wichita State University

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