Hi all...

I've had a problem rear its ugly head today.. and I'm loathe to explain
it.  Essentially, nearly anything I do in the WebUI times out.  I've
tracked it to a database issue.  It seems that I'm running into table
contention because anything I try fires up two queries... one SELECT and
one UPDATE... the offensive one I believe is the UPDATE.. which is:

update PXTSessions set value=:1, web_user_id=:2, expires=:3 where id=:4

Can anyone speak to this issue?  I don't see anything in the archives
regarding this.  What I think happened is this:

I have some automated jobs that run via cron on the Spacewalk server as
the "admin" user... while one of those was running, I logged into the
WebUI as the same user... I suspect that somehow these logins were in
contention for session info... 

Any insight would be appreciated...

Andy Speagle

"THE Student" - UCATS
Wichita State University

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