On 14/05/10 13:54, James Hogarth wrote:

Thought I'd share this one in case there is interest...

The Oracle XE database as we know has the 4GB table limit for user
data (including system data related to that such as indexes).

To monitor my systems so I don't fall into the seemingly common
pitfall of spacewalk suddenly stopping working I've knocked out a
simple nagios plugin that includes performance data as well for the
likes of pnp4nagios or other processing systems.

It's written in bash and relies on a working sqlplus and bc.

Just amend the user/pass/SID variables in it as appropriate for your

It is designed to be run locally on the oracle server as it stands
right now... but given it access the database via sqlplus and SID it
could conceivably work remotely provided the tnsnames and so on is
correctly configured for the user running the command. I'm running it
here via nrpe for instance....

Hope it helps out with others....


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Cheers James - works great, thanks!

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