Def. Quota "Wojtak, Greg" <>:

I just did an upgrade to spacewalk 1.2 on both the server and the client. The client's OSA Status is still showing up as 'offline as of unknown' in the web UI, but all of the errors about not being able to connect have stopped being logged. I increased the debugging some more and it looks like osa-dispatcher is happily talking to jabberd. Still no clue as to why the client is showing offline though. Anything else I can try?



I have the same.
I see 'offline from unknown' in the web UI (1.2 server and clients), logs are OK but osad still doesn't work. I have to wait for system check-in or issue 'rhn_check' manually on the client.

Thanks for any help.

Benedetto Vassallo
Sistema Informativo di Ateneo
Settore Gestione Reti Hardware e Software
U.O. Sviluppo e manutenzione dei sistemi
Università degli studi di Palermo

Red Hat Certified Engineer Certificate Number: 804007793324656

Phone: +3909123860056
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