> What I'd like to ask is how can I make spacewalk deploy a file
> script ) and trigger it to execute ?  is that at all possible ?

Yes.  The easiest way is simply to schedule a remote command to run on
the server.  I'm on Satellite, but I assume Spacewalk is quite
similar...there is a Remote Command link for a system or a system set,
and in there you can put script commands to run on the remote machine.
You can schedule them to run "as soon as possible," which means the next
time the system checks in, or no sooner than a specific time.

If you'd like to copy a script to the client and then execute it, that's
a bit more tricky.  Essentially you'd have to upload it via a config
channel, then run (via Remote Command) something like "at" to get it to
go.  Or, I suppose you could upload the script to one of the cron
folders, where it'd get picked up.  But I prefer the first method, of
using Remote Command.

> Also is there a way to do a bulk upload of files to spacewalk ? I have
> 60+ scripts that I need to upload so a bulk upload will be very handy.

Yep, and fairly straightforward.  Use the Spacewalk APIs, which you can
script with Perl, Python, Java, et al.  If you're familiar with Python,
I have a couple of scripts that do this already for my Satellite
installation.  The API isn't that tough to get started with.

But, if you're wanting to upload the scripts and then execute them
remotely, that's a bit more involved. 

Brian Collins, RHCE
Systems Engineer
Southeastern Data Cooperative

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