On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 01:13:02PM +0100, Tom Brown wrote:
> > Not really.
> >
> > Being able to generate "proper" yum repos from Spacewalk channels is
> > a natural RFE thou, so if you are an analyst or developer with some
> > spare time, specs or patches are welcome.
> OK thanks for the info - However, can i ask where the repo URL for a
> spacewalk kickstarted host come from? If from a spaewalk generated

They are handlers defined in Apache's conf files.

> kickstart i can see a repo presented to anaconda at install time,
> surely that should be accesible from else where?

Not really -- the repo is presented on the fly, merging content from
/var/cache/rhn/repodata, /var/satellite/rhn, and
/var/satellite/redhat. It's not stored in the repo "tree" anywhere.

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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