There is no way I am aware of to do both at the same time. Configurations
and packages are managed separately.

Making sure all 5 ( or 100, or 1000) systems have the same configuration
files should not be too hard.

   1. put all of the configuration files you want to maintain in a
   configuration channel
   2. use the System Set Manager to deploy the files to all the machines.
   3. difference counts will be displayed in the 'Configs' column of the
   systems overview page.

For your 5 systems you can use the profile compare feature in
(Systems->Software->Packages->Profiles) but this only works for one system
at a time. The kickstarting feature described by Ian would work for
multiple systems at a time during initial deployment but not after.

As far as I know there is no good way to make sure a 1000 systems have the
same packages installed. Somebody could install a package and as long as
there is not a more up to date version in one of the subscribed channels I
would never know. Somebody could remove pacakges and I would never know. Is
there a package profile compare in SSM I am not aware of ?
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