On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 11:03:19AM +0100, David Hrbáč wrote:
> Dne 1.2.2012 19:02, David Nutter napsal(a):
> > Done. I'll move the documentation across to the github Wiki when I get
> > a minute. Regards, 
> David,
> There seems to be problem with the latest errata. There seem to be
> erratas with the same ID:
> [CentOS-announce] CESA-2012:0093 Critical CentOS 4 php Update
> [CentOS-announce] CESA-2012:0093 Critical CentOS 5 php Update
> [CentOS-announce] CESA-2012:0093 Critical CentOS 6 php Update
> The script is not able to handle the same arrata ID on multiple channels
> as it seems to me.

Mmm, since I am only on CentOS 5 myself I can't actually test that

However, I think the problem is the errata (in the current script) has
to be created all at once for every channel they are published to and
it can't handle more than a single CentOS release in a particular run.

Looks like a major rethink is called for. 


1) Allow Errata to be updated on the server. The workflow for this is
   complex as I think we can only call publish() once for each
   errata and it is difficult to tell when we are "done" with a
   particular errata. 

   A good stopgap approach might be simply to save up all the
   publishing until the end and use spacecmd to publish all
   unpublished errata or something.
2) Allow processing of multiple releases in a single run of the
   script. This is likely to make handling the config files and
   command line arguments quite difficult/verbose


Thanks & regards,

David Nutter                            Tel: +44 (0)131 650 4888
BioSS, JCMB, King's Buildings, Mayfield Rd, EH9 3JZ. Scotland, UK 

Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS) is formally part of The
James Hutton Institute (JHI), a registered Scottish charity No. SC041796
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