On 2012-04-03 4:20 AM, "Milan Zazrivec" <mzazri...@redhat.com> wrote:

>> I've been provisioning both Vmware virtual machines and physical
>> successfully with Spacewalk and it's great.  Our process is still not as
>> graceful as I want it to be because we have to provision our servers in
>> specific VLAN and then migrate the server to it's final destination on
>> network after provisioning is complete.  Cobbler has been doing a
>> job of configuring the new network information when I add the system
>> record at the command line.
>> I was wondering if there is a way to add cobbler system records via
>> spacewalk?  It gets a little cumbersome having to switch between CLI and
>> web UI in order to get a new system provisioned.
>API: system.createSystemRecord() will create cobbler system record for
>a registered system. Not sure if that's what you're looking for though.
>Spacewalk-list mailing list

I saw that, but like you said that only works on already registered
(therefore already provisioned) systems.  I guess I was looking for an
HTML form or something that got the necessary information to add a cobbler
system record then ran the appropriate cobbler system add command behind
the scenes or something.  It's kind of a chicken and the egg problem I

One other thing I did notice, not sure if it's a bug or not, but when I
create a cobbler system record on the provisioning tab, systems that have
a bonded network interface only allow you to choose bond0 (or bondx) as
the interface.  I chose that and the privisioning image that is
transferred down does not know how to handle bonded ethernet interfaces.
That would be fine and I can eth0, but that is not a choice in the

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