On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 09:40:12AM -0400, wm-lists wrote:
> Can you provide the request you are using? I just tested on Satellite 5.5
> using the following and it seems to work ok for me
>     EKEYS = client.activationkey.listActivationKeys(seskey)
>                 for EKEY in EKEYS:
>                         if  EKEY.get('description') == KEY_NAME:
>                                 print "Getting Key Details" + KEY_NAME
>                                 DETAILS =
> client.activationkey.getDetails(seskey,EKEY.get('key'))
>                                 print DETAILS.get('description') + " " +
> DETAILS.get('key') + " " + str(DETAILS.get('usage_limit'))
> Getting Key Detailsact-pci-vdc-unit-rhel6-x86_64
> act-pci-vdc-unit-rhel6-x86_64 1-act-pci-vdc-unit-rhel6-x86_64 0
> complete

Thanks, it's useful to hear it does work in python. Here is how I call the api 
in my script for a single key.

my $key = $opt_a;
# my $key = $client->string($opt_a); # this didn't work either
my $details = $client->call('activationkey.getDetails', $session, $key);

At least I now have a workaround of doing it in python with a chunk of working 
code to start from.


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