Well I have an idea I've been toying with for that but I haven't tested it yet.

Since cobbler does contain a usable yum repo under the hood you could theoretically point repo sync to one of the other repos in cobbler.
Figuring out the URL is simple just view one of the kickstarts that uses the source channel and you can copy the URL it uses for the channel.
The only problem I can see in doing that is I don't think the errata syncing wouldn't work because I don't think cobblers repos get the erratas synced. 

I've been thinking of doing this for things like EPEL where I have multiple copies for CentOS, Scientific Linux, etc..

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Dec 10, 2013 13:56, Lupin Deterd <lupindet...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi list,

I'm exploring the following setup.

- Multi-org setup

-Patching schedule policy
  sub-org1 - monthly
  sub-org2 - quaterly
  sub-org3 - monthly

Based on the organization and schedule, I want then to clone my channels as such.

Source Base Channel Centos6(Default Org)
 - monthly-dev-clone-Centos6
 - monthly-qa-clone-Centos6
 - monthly-prod-clone-Centos6

Then I will share the monthly clones channel to sub-org{1,3} and quaterly clones to sub-org2.

I would like to ask for feedback on this setup or any other ways to accomplish my requirements.

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