Helpful spacewalk list --

I'm still looking for an answer to this.  Any ideas?

The problem:
* I can no longer successfully get configuration comparisons for my 72 servers 
(either "manually" via the GUI or scheduled daily through taskomatic) [ever 
since I installed new third-party certificates and changed various settings to 
use https instead of http]

The symptoms:
* The following type of error is spewed to rhn_server_xmlrpc.log (starting 
about 3 minutes after the job "starts"):
2014/04/28 23:43:49 -04:00 13820 XYZ.XYZ.XYZ.XYZ: 
rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.check_connection('ERROR', "DATABASE CONNECTION TO 
'XXXXXXXXXX' LOST", "Exception information: Database instance has no attribute 

* A "few" (up to 10ish) systems SUCCEED each time; the rest (~62) fail.  
Sometimes I get a 500 server error from the GUI.

The questions:
* Are there postgres tuning steps that are needed? (and why did this happen all 
of a sudden after years of no issues?)
* What other logs should I be looking at?

I'm running spacewalk 2.0 (NOT 2.1) with, obviously, a postgres backend


Andy Ingham
IT Infrastructure
Fuqua School of Business
Duke University

From: Andy Ingham <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014 9:30 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] after installation of 3rd party SSL certificate, 
now getting (intermittent) errors!

Thanks, Paul, for your message.

I did update the CA cert on the hosts (and edited their configurations to point 
to it).  The package events work GREAT across the servers!

The real trouble is with, for example, the "compare-configs-default" task (via 
the built-in Task Engine).

Anyone have any ideas why this is now wedged?  (Some configuration file that 
needs a new pointer to the new cert, or where a password is wrong, for example?)


PS, I'm not sure I agree with your assessment of the heartbleed vulnerability, 
but that's a discussion for another time and/or place.  ;)

From: Paul Robert Marino <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:16 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] after installation of 3rd party SSL certificate, 
now getting (intermittent) errors!

Did you deploy the CA cert from the third party signer to the hosts as in place 
of the one initially deployed by spacewalk or update the 
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date file to point to the stock copy form the 3rd party 
vendor deployed by the rpm included in the distro.

Also heartbleed effected a smaller number of certs than most people think 
essentially if the cert was generated prior to the poisonous patch its safe. 
Its only new certs generated by versions after the poisonous patch and or 
systems that haven't updated the openssl libraries since which are vulnerable.
The vast majority of production systems are reasonably safe. Further more I 
wouldn't worry about it that much unless your traffic goes over a public 
network. Essentially if someone has the access to utilize it in your internal 
network you have a much bigger problem.

To be clear if you are vulnerable its a huge problem especially if you deal 
with ecommerce, web based financial information, or data that can be used for 
identity theaft. But you have really look at and understand the problem before 
you should panic and replace all your certs.

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Apr 24, 2014 14:19, Andy Ingham 
<<>> wrote:

Ever since we switched from a self-signed to a third-party SSL certificate
two days ago (thank you, Heartbleed!), I've seen intermittent issues.

The most obvious error: the daily 11:00 PM "compare-configs-default" task
(which has always run successfully for all 70+ servers), now is failing
for 98% (but not ALL!) hosts. The event message when it fails is: "This
action has been picked up multiple times without a successful transaction;
this action is now failed for this system."

The osa-dispatcher.log and rhn_server_xmlrpc.log show LOTS of entries like
rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.check_connection('ERROR', "DATABASE CONNECTION
TO 'spaceschema' LOST", "Exception information: Database instance has no
attribute 'dbh'")
clustered around the time of the scheduled run

I've done full restarts of postgres and spacewalk (and even a full reboot
for good measure).

Is there some reason that a cert change would lead to problems with
postgres connections, or is the error above a red herring?

Any ideas of where to look next?


Andy Ingham
IT Infrastructure
Fuqua School of Business
Duke University

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