You might also want to increase taskomattics working memory I find the default its not enough so it often craps out on generating the repo data after a sync of a large repo there is a pretty telling message in taskomattics log when this happens. Increasing it from 512MB to 1GB helps a lot.
If you are seeing differences in the number of packages between the server and the client its a fairly good bet this is what's causing it.

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On May 28, 2014 17:41, Avi Miller <> wrote:


On 29 May 2014, at 12:43 am, Howard Coles <> wrote:

> My clients show 20178 packages in the channel, the server shows 20259, the channel itself when I run “spacewalk-repo-sync” shows 25 thousand plus.
> How do I get what the clients see to match what the spacewalk server says should be there?

You can’t - the way the Oracle Linux channels are configured will always report slightly more packages than are actually downloaded, because there are several thousand that have been obsoleted by other packages, even though the metadata still shows the original (now obsoleted) package. This is normal.

> Spacewalk is reporting that the clients have critical, security and bug fixes, but the client doesn’t see them.

This is the more critical aspect: the errata should match the packages that are downloaded. Can you give me an example (off-list if you prefer) of errata notifications in Spacewalk that don’t have matching packages? The errata metadata is generated based on available packages and should only show those that are available to install. The errata information in Spacewalk should specify the packages that resolve the errata too.


Oracle <>
Avi Miller | Product Management Director | +61 (3) 8616 3496
Oracle Linux and Virtualization
417 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria 3004 Australia

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