yes and no
the mechanisms it uses are slightly different but the end result is the
officially you are not supposed to use spacewalk for RHEL but in reality
you can but be aware you are violating you're support agreement.
with spacewalk your hosts don't need direct access to redhats site because
its essentially a clone, that said you still need an account with redhat if
you want to use it to deploy and manage RHEL boxes.

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Zach Musselman <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I currently have a mix of CentOS and RHEL hosts.  Right now I am manually
> sshing into each machine and running yum update.
> I have no desire to sync repo's and push packages out from a local copy of
> a repo.  All I am looking to do is have some sort of central web interface
> that would ssh or agent connect out to all of these machines and regularly
> check to see if updates are available.  Also would like the option to push
> out a yum clean all and then a yum update and have it list the packages
> available for all of my systems.
> Then I could simply select each machine, verify the packages it shows are
> what I want updated and then have it execute the update clicking on each
> system.
> Does Spacewalk have this ability even with RHEL clients since I am not
> wanting any access to the Red Hat Network?
> If not what other options are out there with this ability.  Yes there is
> chef, puppet, cfengine and so on but these do not provide the interface I
> am looking for to my knowledge.
> Thanks
> --
> Zach
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