  I'm having an issue with Spacewalk 2.0. I have two RHEL6 x86_64 servers that 
the Spacewalk GUI reports that there are available updates. However, if I run 
yum on these two machines, nothing is reported as being available for updating. 
I've done some Google searches and this has been an issue in the past for some 
individuals and occasionally the problem has been fixed by running yum clean 
all, followed by deleting the /var/cache/yum directory. Then a yum makecache. . 
I tried this and it didn't helped. I have also tried deleting the profile for 
the server and attempting a re-register. That didn't work either.  If anyone 
has any ideas/suggestions, I would like to hear them.

   Some other information that might be beneficial (I think):

   - All updates have been performed using yum. No rpm --install or --upgrade 
has been performed.
   - Since I had deleted and re-registered the client, I didn't think 
rhn-profile-sync would do any good, but I tried it anyhow. It didn't help.
   - a complete shutdown of the Spacewalk server application and it's 
corresponding postgres database was also attempted, again to avail.
   - attempting to update the client from the Spacewalk GUI does not work. The 
schedule task just goes into a pending state and never occurs.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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