try restarting taskomatic

On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 7:51 AM, Megan . <> wrote:
> Good Morning!
> My spacewalk server ran out of space on /var/log.  I cleaned it up,
> restarted spacewalk (even rebooted the server) but I have over 50% of
> my clients with scheduled actions that just won't get picked up.  If i
> re-activate a client, then it picks up actions just fine.  Is there a
> way to clear this out without having to manual reactivate 30 clients?
> I checked rhn-actions:
> [root@cache1 ~]# rhn-actions-control --report
> deploy is enabled
> diff is enabled
> upload is enabled
> mtime_upload is enabled
> run is enabled
> I tried restarting OSAD on the client with:
> service rhnsd restart ; service osad stop ; rm -f
> /etc/sysconfig/rhn/osad-auth.conf ; service osad start ;
> OSAD log on the client:
> 2015-06-02 11:48:51 jabber_lib.__init__:
> 2015-06-02 11:48:51 jabber_lib.setup_connection: Connected to jabber
> server
> 2015-06-02 11:48:51 jabber_lib.process_forever:
> On the server I tried to reinstall jabberd but that didn't work either.
> I also cleared out /var/lib/jabberd/db/
> Everything appears to be able to talk just fine, its just not.  Any ideas?
> Thanks!
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