Hi Marino,

 I have add the spacewalk repo as a child for my base channels, but I am
dealing with the initial implementation of spacewalk in
my existing environment, so I don't understand how kickstart would be

Can you explain a little more about the registration script? Where is it
exactly and how could i modify it as you are suggesting to register
existing servers?

Thank you,



I always include the spacewalk clients in a child repo of my base channels
then include it in my kickstarts. Then I can view the kickstart and pick
out the URI‎ yum has an option to install using an adhock yumrepo. Also you
may not be aware of this but spacewalk generates a boilerplate registration
script for you in the public directory for apache you can use as a template
to modify into your own custom registration script.

Additionally yum and the rpm command can install packages over a network by
specifying the URI as the package name.

*From: *Jason Calafiore

*Sent: *Wednesday, June 10, 2015 17:51

*To: *spacewalk-list@redhat.com

*Reply To: *spacewalk-list@redhat.com

*Subject: *[Spacewalk-list] Registering Offline servers to Spacewalk

Hi All,

 I am trying to figure out a an easy to register servers that are already
created and offline without have to reach out to the internet to get the
necessary packages.

The only way I could do this was to do the following below by creating a
yum repo with the necessary packages and then on a client server configure
a .repo file that get the necessary packages.

Is there any easier way to do this? I would think spacewalk would have an
easy way to register clients especially offline servers. I had asked this
before and someone suggested a scripts on github, but couldn't figure it



Create Local Repo on the spacewalk Server

mkdir /var/www/html/pub/spacewalk-client

cd /var/www/html/pub/spacewalk-client

repotrack -a x86_64 -p /var/www/html/pub/spacewalk-client rhn-client-tools
rhn-check rhn-setup rhnsd m2crypto yum-rhn-plugin

rm *i686* -f


wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

creapterepo /var/www/html/pub/spacewalk-client

Register Server to Spacewalk



name=Spacewalk Client Install





Disable other repos in /yum.repos.d

yum install rhn-client-tools rhn-check rhn-setup rhnsd m2crypto

# rpm -Uvh

  rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=https://spacewalk-server.com/XMLRPC
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