we are having issue with remotely add a channel to spacewalk from spacewalk 
client using spacewalk-channel command. we can list channels and delete 
channels with that command without any issue, but when we tried to add channel, 
we got following error: 

 $ spacewalk-channel --add -c java-se7-ol6-x86_64 --user spacewalkuser 
--password xxxxxxx 
 Error communicating with server. The message was: 
 Internal Server Error 

 here is what I see from rhn_server_xmlrpc.log: 2015/07/24 12:24:27 -04:00 
13059 : server/apacheRequest.call_function('ERROR', 'rhnSQL.SQLError caught', 
SQLStatementPrepareError('ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended\n', 933, 
'select 1 from rhnChannel c, join rhnServerChannel sc on c.parent_channel = 
sc.channel_id where sc.server_id = :sid and c.label = :channel')) 

 we have spacewalk 2.2 installed on our spacewalk server.

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