I just installed the latest version of SW on a newly installed RHEL 6.6 
demo/test server.   I created a 6 server channel/repository and successfully 
synced to RH.  I now have nearly 1,600 rpm packages in the repository.  So far, 
so good.
I successfully registered a RHEL 6.2 client to my SW server, 
channel/repository.  SW shows that there are over 1200 packages out of date.  
Again, so far, so good.  I schedule the update, and run rhn_check -vvv from the 
client, however, all of the updates fail with errors about unable to login in.
updateLoginInfo() login infoD: login(forceUpdate=True) invokedlogging into 
up2date serverD: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.loginD: writeCachedLogin() 
invokedD: Wrote pickled loginInfo at 1438609605.66 with expiration of 
1438613205.66 seconds.successfully retrieved authentication token from up2date 
serverD: logininfo:{'X-RHN-Server-Id': 1000010000, 'X-RHN-Auth-Server-Time': 
'1438609589.8', 'X-RHN-Auth': 'f/uptLiyMNr0HGv02NPJ/wauzEGXI8HcZsaO5XN3pes=', 
'X-RHN-Auth-Channels': [['rhel-6-server-rpms', '20150803075633', '1', '1']], 
'X-RHN-Auth-User-Id': '', 'X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset': '3600.0'}D: local action 
status: ((6,), 'Fatal error in Python code occurred', {})D: rpcServer: Calling 
XMLRPC registration.welcome_message
If I issue a yum repolist, I don't see any packages in the repository.
If I issue an "yum list update" command I get the following:  
yum list updateLoaded plugins: product-id, rhnplugin, security, 
subscription-managerUpdating certificate-based repositories.This system is 
receiving updates from RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.Error: Cannot retrieve 
repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: rhel-6-server-rpms. Please 
verify its path and try again
I must be missing something, but I'm not sure what.  Did I not setup the 
repository correctly?
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