As I reported before, I decided to move my SW environment forward, and put up a 
production SW server.  The signed certificate works fine in my dev/test 
demonstration environment, but I just can't get it working in the production 

My last email, I was able to get the cert to work just fine with the RHEL  
servers, but it kept failing with the SLES servers.  I finally decided to 
rebuild the entire SW server.  Fresh install of RHEL, fresh install of SW.

I followed the steps exact, and did everything exactly the same way that I did 
on my dev/demo server. But something is different.

When I try to start spacewalk, I get an error from the osa-dispatcher 
complaining that about a certificate name mismatch:

Starting osa-dispatcher: Spacewalk 20830 2015/09/21 10:35:28 -05:00: 
('Traceback caught:',)
Spacewalk 20830 2015/09/21 10:35:28 -05:00: ('Traceback (most recent call 
last):\n  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/", line 632, in connect\n    
self.verify_peer(ssl)\n  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/", line 713, in 
verify_peer\n    (self._host, common_name))\nSSLVerifyError: Mismatch: peer 
name: <SERVER NAME>; common name: *.<DOMAIN.NAME> .\n',)

I've verified everything against the dev/demo machine and all of the 
certificate information in ssl-build matches exactly.  e.g.  server.key, 
server.crt, server.csr, server.pem and RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT.

I've recreated this certificate multiple times.  The only thing that I can 
think of, is there must be a cert, or file somewhere that did not get updated.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


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