Can someone email me directly at<>  if you have 
recent experience working with your Red Hat Entitlement certificate?  I'm very 
much in need of figuring out how to clear up the problem I'm having pulling 
updates since our contract renewal.

Thanks in advance,


[] On Behalf Of Boyd, Robert
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] Red Hat repository syncing and Errors while 
cloning/promoting channels

It looks like my issue is that I need to update my SSL Client Certificate.   
The problem I'm having now is that I am having trouble figuring out where to 
find the new entitlement certificate.   The mechanism that used to work for 
this seems to have been changed and it's no longer available from the same 
place it was before.  I found something on a RHEL 6 server that is subscribed 
directly to Red Hat, but when I try to load the text from that file (under 
/etc/pki/entitlement/<longnumber>.pem and <samelongnumber>-key.pem) the text is 
rejected as being invalid

Anyone able to email me privately and advise me on where to get it from?

Also,  how can I list the certificates I have loaded in spacewalk already?  On 
the repository details page I can see the names I assigned to them in the drop 
down lists for ssl ca cert and so forth.   Is there somewhere in the GUI that I 
can examine these names and the files/keys they are associated with?  Or is 
there some way with the command line tools to do that?  This is one aspect of 
spacewalk that still feels very difficult to deal with.   The instructions for 
managing certificates seem to be incomplete and hard to find, and the GUI 
interface is obscurely placed as well under Admin>Spacewalk 
Configuration>Certificate.   And that location only provides "Update" function, 
no display of existing certificates.

The last time I touched this stuff was about a year ago and it seems almost as 
mysterious now as it did back then.

Any help would be appreciated.



[] On Behalf Of Boyd, Robert
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 1:13 PM
Subject: [Spacewalk-list] Red Hat repository syncing and Errors while 
cloning/promoting channels

Running taskomatic generates this:

2015-10-09 12:03:17,245 [Thread-78] ERROR 
com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.task.RepoSyncTask  - ERROR: Cannot retrieve 
repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: 
rhel-server-6-supplementary-x86_64. Please verify its path and try again

I've looked at several of my reposyncs and it looks like all of the red hat 
syncs are failing, apparently since our support renewal recently.    Can anyone 
advise me as to what I need to do to re-activate the syncing?

I see this happen about once out of 10 times I clone channels using the 
spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle script.   It seems something in the 
spacewalk engine is running off the rails.   When it happens I restart 
everything and the next time I try it things go fine.   Then later another run 
with it for the same or another channel will trigger the failure again.     
Which logs should I be looking at? And is this a known problem with channel 
cloning? I'd almost bet something is running out of resources in one of the 
background processes.


Here is the error when I'm cloning.

spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle -c rhel-x86_64-server-5 --promote -u 
redacteduser -p redacted --workflow=rms --clear-channel
WARNING: Existing session is invalid
INFO: Parent Source: rhel-x86_64-server-5, destination: 
INFO: Clearing all errata from rms-preprod-rhel-x86_64-server-5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle", line 784, in 
    merge_channels(parent_source, parent_dest)
  File "/usr/local/bin/spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle", line 420, in 
  File "/usr/local/bin/spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle", line 500, in 
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 1199, in __call__
    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 1489, in __request
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 1243, in request
xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for localhost/rpc/api: 503 Service 
Temporarily Unavailable>
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