Thanks Robert for the answer, i get traceback  every minute.
I'll try to upgrade the packages you suggested me, Thanks again Rob
Il 10/Dic/2015 20:10, "Robert Paschedag" <> ha

> Know that error. Also update osad, rhncfg, rhncfg-actions
> You get a traceback every two minutes??
> Regards
> Robert
> Am 10.12.2015 3:20 nachm. schrieb stefano ciavarella <
> >
> > redhat 6.4 x86_64
> > Spacewalk V2.0
> >
> > I tried upgrading the following packages without luck
> >
> > rhnlib-2.5.77-1.el6.noarch
> > osa-common-5.11.63-1.el6.noarch
> > osa-dispatcher-5.11.63-1.el6.noarch
> > osa-dispatcher-selinux-5.11.63-1.el6.noarch
> >
> >
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Exception reported from xxx.local
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Time: Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Exception type <class
> 'spacewalk.server.apacheRequest.UnknownXML'>
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Exception while handling function
> get_server_capability
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Request object information:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] URI: /XMLRPC
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Remote Host:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Server Name: xxx.local:443
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Headers passed in:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tAccept-Encoding: identity
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tCONTENT_LENGTH: 115
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tCONTENT_TYPE: text/xml
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tDOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/html
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tGATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTPS: 1
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: identity
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTP_HOST: xxx.local
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTP_USER_AGENT:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTP_X_CLIENT_VERSION: 1
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTP_X_INFO: RPC Processor (C) Red
> Hat, Inc (version 2.5.77-1.el6)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTP_X_RHN_TRANSPORT_CAPABILITY:
> follow-redirects=3
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHTTP_X_TRANSPORT_INFO: Extended
> Capabilities Transport (C) Red Hat, Inc (version 2.5.77-1.el6)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tHost: xxx.local
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tPATH_INFO:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tQUERY_STRING:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tREMOTE_ADDR: 10.x.x.x
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tREMOTE_PORT: 54840
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tREQUEST_METHOD: POST
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tREQUEST_URI: /XMLRPC
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSCRIPT_FILENAME:
> /usr/share/rhn/wsgi/
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSCRIPT_NAME: /XMLRPC
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSCRIPT_URI:
> https://xxx.local/XMLRPC
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSCRIPT_URL: /XMLRPC
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSERVER_ADDR: 10.x.x.x
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSERVER_ADMIN: root@localhost
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSERVER_NAME: xxx.local
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSERVER_PORT: 443
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSERVER_SIGNATURE: <address>Apache
> Server at xxx.local Port 443</address>
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tSERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tUser-Agent:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tX-Client-Version: 1
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tX-Info: RPC Processor (C) Red Hat,
> Inc (version 2.5.77-1.el6)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tX-RHN-Transport-Capability:
> follow-redirects=3
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tX-Transport-Info: Extended
> Capabilities Transport (C) Red Hat, Inc (version 2.5.77-1.el6)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_ssl.is_https: <built-in method
> ssl_is_https of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7f223c685918>
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_ssl.var_lookup: <built-in
> method ssl_var_lookup of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7f223c685918>
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.application_group:
> xxx.local|/xmlrpc
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.callable_object:
> application
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.handler_script:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.input_chunked: 0
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.listener_host:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.listener_port: 443
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.process_group:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.request_handler:
> wsgi-script
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.script_reloading: 1
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \tmod_wsgi.version: (3, 2)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.errors: <mod_wsgi.Log object
> at 0x7f225551aab0>
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.file_wrapper: <built-in method
> file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7f223c685918>
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.input: <mod_wsgi.Input object
> at 0x7f225537a770>
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.multiprocess: True
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.multithread: False
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.run_once: False
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.url_scheme: https
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] \twsgi.version: (1, 1)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Extra information about this error:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Response sent back to the caller:
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] While running
> 'get_server_capability': caught
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] <class
> 'spacewalk.server.apacheRequest.UnknownXML'> : Invalid request received
> (method 'get_server_capability' doesn't have a class and function).
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Exception Handler Information
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/", line
> 121, in call_function
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]     func = self.method_ref(method)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/spacewalk/server/", line
> 432, in method_ref
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]     classname, funcname =
> string.split(method, '.', 1)
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error] UnknownXML: Invalid request received
> (method 'get_server_capability' doesn't have a class and function).
> > [Thu Dec 10 15:13:57 2015] [error]
> >
> >
> >
> > thanks in advance
> >
> > --
> > Stefano Ciavarella
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