
We have a SW2.4-installation, successfully setup with PXE-boot, kickstart, the 

I recently started using SaltStack as configuration management, so I’ve added 
the SaltStack-repository to my SpaceWalk-system 
<https://repo.saltstack.com/yum/rhel6/>). Everything works fine until I try to 
kickstart a system using PXE or ISO. Somehow the SpaceWalk-system is confused 
about duplicate packages that are the same in versions but not in hash. In my 
case it first breaks on the package pciutils. I think Spacewalk decides to 
serve the wrong package during installation so anaconda is complaining it can’t 
find the correct package. SaltStack isn’t playing nice because in their repo 
they are supplying the same packages as used in CentOS. But the packages from 
Oracle Linux and CentOS are different from each other.

After I removed the SaltStack-channels and packages from SpaceWalk, the 
Kickstart worked fine again…

Is there a way to prioritise packages during kickstart with spacewalk or give a 
spacewalk-channel priority above other channels? I really want to keep the 
SaltStack-channel in our SpaceWalk-server, but if it breaks updates, I have to 
figure something else out.

Kind regards,

Andreas Dijkman

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