Thanks. I was thinking about NFS & Dedicated DB cluster. Will try later
Have a great day

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 8:19 AM, William H. ten Bensel <>

> This is a solution (might not be the best way) to prevent re-registering,
> hours of importing/exporting channels, and setting up an entire new
> spacewalk server with lots of downtime.  Can be used in case the Active
> Spacewalk needs to be down longer then the Service level agreement.  For
> this setup, the recovery is very quick as long as someone or automated
> scripts have access to start/stop spacewalk, update DNS for the cname flip,
> and switch out the storage.  However there is some extra cost and some
> additional man hours on initial setup.  But if you need 99.9+ SLA, this
> will work.
> Note: Updating /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/hosts, and hostname for some
> reason is a requirement.  Was not able to get spacewalk to function
> properly without doing these.  If someone knows how to get around updating
> the files/hostname and tell Spacewalk to go off of what DNS returns, that
> would be great!
> Server Setup (Oracle DB off host.  Uncertain of how to do postgress and On
> host DB, but should be able to use the same logic.)
>         cname (That is fully qualified ie. shortname.domain) pointed to 1
> Active Spacewalk server.
>         1 Active Spacewalk Server  "cname -> hostname.domain (A record)"
>         1 Hot Standby Server  "hostname.domain  (A record)"
>         Create Repo/snapshot of the Spacewalk and Jpackage Repos with the
> current version that are installed on Act/Standby server.
>                 Pros of creating repo/snapshot:
>                 Guarantee version does not change.
>                 The repos above provide a quicker recovery if both servers
> go down.
>                 Download once and use local install
>         Backup of the entire Spacewalk server using company standard
> backup policies/methodology.
> Spacewalk setup on Active/Standby:
>         Note: If upgrading, need to do both Active/Standby at the same
> time.  Just make sure you only run the schema update once!!!
>         1. The following file systems on NFS/SAN:
>         Notes:        You can reduce the # of mounts by overriding the
> defaults in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf.  Defaults can be found in
> /usr/share/rhn/config-defaults/*.conf.
>                 There is a benefit to stay with the defaults as to reduce
> conf changes.
>                 All of these mounts may not be needed, but these have been
> proven to work.
>                 If you already have one setup, you can stop the spacewalk
> and move the files/directories to the NFS/SAN.
>                 Someone suggested to ln -s all of these to on NFS mount
> and then create directories in that mount.... That is an option as well....
>  imo, not a good one.  The less links, the better.
>                 If choosing this method... ensure that the link ownerships
> are correct... ie chown -h jabber:jabber /etc/jabberd.
>         xT/yG        /var/satellite   (Primary is xT, Standby is yG)  ->
> This is because Primary will replace Standby)
>         1G         /config
>         1G        /etc/cobbler
>         1G        /etc/jabberd    (PERMISSIONS MUST BE: jabber:jabber or
> else osa-dispatcher will not start)
>         1G        /etc/httpd
>         1G        /etc/rhn
>         1G        /etc/pki/spacewalk
>         1G        /usr/share/rhn
>         1G        /usr/share/spacewalk
>         30G/yG        /var/cache/rhn
>         1G        /var/lib/cobbler
>         2G        /var/lib/rhn
>         1G        /var/log/cobbler
>         1G        /var/log/rhn
>         2G        /var/log/httpd
>         10G/yG        /var/www
>         xG/yG        /somemount/  (configs, custom built scripts, logging,
> start/stop scripts, etc)
>         2. Setup proxy
>                 echo "export http_proxy=xxxxxx:port#" >
> /etc/profile.d/
>                 echo "export http_proxy=xxxxxx:port#" >
> /etc/profile.d/httpproxy.csh
>         3. Oracle client install (Do not use postgres, so someone will
> have to provide guidance on that)
>                 yum install compat-gcc-34 compat-gcc-34-c++ gcc-c++ gdb
> unixODBC-devel glibc-devel libXp xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-xinit
> glibc-devel.i686 libXp.i686 –y
>                 NOTE: Need the DEVEL package as well for Python scripts
> cx_oracle.
>         4.  Server configuration for the install:
>                 Update /etc/hosts line with the 'IP cname shortname',
> above "IP hostname.domain hostname".
>                 Update /etc/sysconfig/network with 'HOSTNAME=cname'
>                 Update hostname.  'hostname cname'
>         5. Install the same version of Spacewalk on both servers using the
> snapshot repo.
>         6. Configuration changes/updates.
>                 /etc/yum.conf  (This is optional.  Do this to prevent
> accidental updates)
>                         reposdir=/etc/yum.repos.d/MYDIR
>                 /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
>                         mv to /somemount/configs/
>                         ln -s /somemount/configs/rhn.conf /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
>                         chown -h root:apache /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
>                 edit of /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
>                         # EZconnect:  HOST should be the cname of the DB
> server.  Global name should be provided by DBA.
>                         db_name=//<HOST>/<GLOBAL NAME>
>                         server.satellite.http_proxy = xxxx:port#
>                         # The following overrides the defaults in
>                         # /usr/share/rhn/config-defaults/*.conf
>                         product_name = xxxxxx
>                         java.custom_header = xxxxxx
>                         java.config_file_edit_size = 128          #To
> support larger config files
>                         web.default_mail_from = xxxxxx <yyyyy@cname>
>  #Uniquely identify spacewalks in email
>                         web.session_cookie_lifetime = ###
> #OPTIONAL, used to extend session timeouts
>                         web.session_database_lifetime = ###
> #OPTIONAL, used to extend session timeouts
>                         # To support larger tasks and reposyncs.
>                         # Increase java heap size and logging:
>                  >= 4096
>                 > 256 (default is
> 256)
>                         taskomatic.logfile.maxsize=###m
>                         java.taskomatic_channel_repodata_workers=#  >2
> (default is 2)
>                         #taskomatic.logfile.loglevel = DEBUG
>                         # Increase rhn-search
>                = 768
>                 /var/lib/rhn/rhn-satellite-prep/satellite-local-rules.conf
>                         serverDOTsatelliteDOThttp_proxy=xxxxxx:port#
>                 /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6
>                         mv to /somemount/configs/
>                         ln -s /somemount/configs/tomcat6
> /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6
>                  edit of /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6
>                         # Increase java heap size:
>                          -Xms512m
>                          -Xmx8192m
>                 ln -s /var/www/html/pub/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT
> /usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT
>                 jabberd special validation!!!
>                         /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem   Ownership
> --> jabber:jabber
>                          /etc/jabberd/server.pem                Ownership
> --> root:jabber
>                 Ensure that these are backed up.
>                         rhn-org-httpd-ssl-key-pair-cname-1.0-1.noarch
>                         /root/ssl-build with SSL Certs, .crt files, and
> rpms
>                         /var/www/html/pub/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT
> /var/www/html/pub/rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
>                 Fix /etc/logrotate.d/httpd by adding the following.
>                         rotate 4
>                         compress
>                         dateext
> Create custom init.d start/stop scripts that do the following.
>         Note: Put the start/stop script on the ACTIVE NFS/SAN. In the
> init.d, check to see if they exist.  If not do not run, but make sure that
> the spacewalk services are disabled!!!!
>         Stop:
>                 Ensure that spacewalk is disabled. Do not want to have 2
> inits calling the same services.
>                         for spaceservice in `/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service
> list |grep "4:" |awk '{print $1}'`; do
>                                 /usr/sbin/spacewalk-service disable
> $spaceservice
>                         done
>                 Validate script running as root
>                 Validate spacewalk running
>                         Run spacewalk-service stop
>                 Remove cname from /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/hosts,
> reset hostname to hostname.domain
>                 Ensure that kill any/all scripts that are running
>                 Ensure that any scripts will not start/kickoff.  ie lock
> file or all scripts verify that the spacewalk is up (or both)
>         Start:
>                 Ensure that spacewalk is disabled.  Do not want to have 2
> inits calling the same services.
>                         for spaceservice in `/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service
> list |grep "4:" |awk '{print $1}'`; do
>                                 /usr/sbin/spacewalk-service disable
> $spaceservice
>                         done
>                 Validate script running as root
>                 Validate server has cname.
>                         IF not, run the stop script.  (Which should ensure
> that the files and hostname are set correctly)
>                         exit
>                 Validate spacewalk is not running.
>                         If it is, consider it a restart
>                         Run spacewalk-service restart
>                         If not.
>                         Update cname in /etc/sysconfig/network,
> /etc/hosts, reset hostname to cname
>                         Run spacewalk-service start
>                 Validate all service started.  If not send notification.
> Recovery/Failover/DR/Migration:
>         Standby server:
>                 Unmount all mounts. ### Comment out in /etc/fstab
>         Active server:
>                 Stop
>                 Unmount ### Comment out in /etc/fstab so you can update or
> reboot.
>         Standby server
>                 Flip cname to Standby
>                 Mount all Active Mounts, update /etc/fstab to withstand
> server reboot
>                 Start
> - Thanks and good luck
> From:        Konstantin Raskoshnyi <>
> To:
> Date:        05/25/2016 04:10 PM
> Subject:        [Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk redundancy
> Sent by:
> ------------------------------
> This email originated from outside of the company. Please use discretion
> if opening attachments or clicking on links.
> ------------------------------
> Hello everyone,
> As I see all systems rely on sp server in fact.
> In case of emergency and if sp is dead you'll lose control over your boxes
> and have to install a new instance of sp and re-register machines.
> Any solutions in this case?
> Thanks This email originated from outside of the company.  Please use
> discretion if opening attachments or clicking on links.
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