Hi Judd

You can do this via 2 ways

One should be syncing the specific version, for example, about CentOS

http://vault.centos.org/6.6/os/x86_64/ <== your repo pointing to 6.6

http://vault.centos.org/6.1/os/x86_64/ <== your repo pointing to 6.1

Another way and if you have the entire packages in remote repo, should be
using spacewalk-clone-by-date. You can define one specific date and clone

Take a look on this link - https://access.redhat.com/articles/3078

Using Red Hat Enterprise Linux as example, we can create one channel to
rhel 6.6 with or without errata, so the rhel6.6 with all erratas will be
one day before the release of rhel6.7 (2015-07-21) and rhel6.6 without
errata will be (2014-10-14)

Let me know if it's clear to you.

Best Regards

msn: waldi...@gmail.com
Skype: waldirio
Site: www.waldirio.com.br
Blog: blog.waldirio.com.br
LinkedIn: http://br.linkedin.com/pub/waldirio-pinheiro/22/b21/646
PGP: www.waldirio.com.br/public.html

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 11:04 AM, Judd <judd.oban...@rackspace.com> wrote:

> That's it exactly.
> Currently all I see people doing is mapping x. to the release (6.x ->
> 6Server, 6). For example I've got a machine with release of:
> centos-release-6-7.el6.centos.12.3.x86_64
> and I'd like to register that device to my centos6.7-x86_64 custom
> channel when the activation key is set to 'spacewalk default'. I'm not
> sure how the distribution channel mapping cuts up the release rpm name,
> so I'm not sure how, or if, I can map that release rpm to a specific
> channel. Of course I have several (6.5, 6.6, 6.7, etc...)
> Hopefully that clarifies the issue.
> On 07/29/2016 08:17 AM, Waldirio Manhães Pinheiro wrote:
> > Hi Judd, good morning
> >
> > When you say "custom point release channel", are you means Minor relesae
> > ?! like CentOS 6.5, 6.6., 6.7 ...
> >
> > Could you share with us your problem / doubt ?!
> >
> > Appreciate.
> >
> > ______________
> > Atenciosamente
> > Waldirio
> > msn: waldi...@gmail.com <mailto:waldi...@gmail.com>
> > Skype: waldirio
> > Site: www.waldirio.com.br <http://www.waldirio.com.br>
> > Blog: blog.waldirio.com.br <http://blog.waldirio.com.br>
> > LinkedIn: http://br.linkedin.com/pub/waldirio-pinheiro/22/b21/646
> > PGP: www.waldirio.com.br/public.html
> > <http://www.waldirio.com.br/public.html>
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Judd <judd.oban...@rackspace.com
> > <mailto:judd.oban...@rackspace.com>> wrote:
> >
> >     Good Morning,
> >
> >     I'm wondering if any of you are using distribution mapping for custom
> >     channels? The reason I'm asking is we have these custom point release
> >     channels we've made with centos and I'm having issues mapping them.
> I'm
> >     guessing that the reason is that dist mapping wasn't made to be more
> >     granular than base, but if anyone's done it I'd love to hear. Also,
> if
> >     anyone's tried and failed, that would be pretty good info too.
> Searching
> >     around all I found was a few people using it to put their stuff in
> base
> >     channels, but not anyone trying to do remotely what I'm attempting.
> >
> >     Thanks in advance,
> >     Judd
> >
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> >     Spacewalk-list@redhat.com <mailto:Spacewalk-list@redhat.com>
> >     https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
> >
> >
> >
> >
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