Hmmm....Wonder how that happened?  I didn't press send, at least not that I'm 
aware of.

Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted by my email client, I was asking if 
there is a password in the jabberd database or authreg.db file that could be an 
issue?  Since I am no longer completely clearing out the database files, 
perhaps something got stuck at some point?  Would clearing out the database 
files rest the password?

But again, I'm wondering what the invalid password is?  What is osad logging 

Thank you.


From: <> on 
behalf of Daryl Rose <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] osad/jabber - Invalid password errors

I have some additional information that I think that I should share.

Because of specific issues experienced with SW, I used to completely remove 
jabberd database and log files.  I used to stop SW, cd to /var/lib/jabberd/db 
and remove the entire contents then restart SW.  But, I started experience 
problems with OSAD not picking up packages, and after so research, I learned 
that the way that I used to do things was not a good idea.

I think that it was a posting here that told me by removing at database files 
and the authreg.db it was causing the clients from losing connection with the 
SW server.  In the SW documentation, I learned that its better to delete only 
the logs that are not required.  These are the steps that I now use:

/usr/bin/db_checkpoint -1 -h /var/lib/jabberd/db/ ## mark logs for deletion
/usr/bin/db_archive -d -h /var/lib/jabberd/db/  ## delete logs
/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service restart  ## stop/start spacewalk

I have this setup in a crontab that runs on a daily schedule.  I set this up 
about two months ago.

I'm not sure when the invalid password issue started.  But it was some point 
after implementing these steps that the invalid password issue started.  Is 
there a password

From: Robert Paschedag <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 11:47 PM
To: Daryl Rose
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] osad/jabber - Invalid password errors

Hi Daryl,

the password fire jabber is stored in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/osad.auth, if I 
remember right.

The other thing is not enough permissions to delete the PID file.

Are you running osad as a non-root user?

Am 02.08.2016 16:24 schrieb Daryl Rose <>:
> OSAD has not been working, and I finally had a moment to look into it.  The 
> osa-dispatcher.log has the following error:
> 2016/08/02 08:38:25 -05:00 25556 
> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Connected to jabber server', 
> '<>')
> 2016/08/02 08:38:25 -05:00 25556 osad/jabber_lib.register('ERROR', 
> 'Invalid password')
> What password would be invalid?  I am using a customized certificate, and its 
> still valid for another two years. I can register servers just fine.  I can 
> use rhn_check to retrieve updates, so I'm sure that the certificate is fine.
> There is another error that I see:
> 2016/08/01 09:36:22 -05:00 1552 osad/jabber_lib.main('ERROR', 
> 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File 
> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/", line 119, in main\n    c = 
> self.setup_connection(no_fork=no_fork)\n  File 
> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/", line 283, in setup_connection\n    
> self.push_to_background()\n  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/", line 
> 213, in push_to_background\n    os.unlink(pid_file)\nOSError: [Errno 13] 
> Permission denied: \'/var/run/\'\n')
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thank you
> Daryl
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