I just realized that the last Red Hat errata for RHEL 6.x is from August.  I 
looked at the sync logs and it doesn't appear that anything is syncing at all 
from the RHEL channel.

I just recently migrated to a physical server.  I successfully registered the 
server and attached an entitlement to the server.  If I run "yum update" on the 
server, it lists latest updates from the RHEL channel.

This is what I see in the reposync log:

2016/12/05 14:49:42 -05:00 Command: ['/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync', 
'--channel', 'rhel-6-server-rpms', '--type', 'yum']
2016/12/05 14:49:42 -05:00 Sync of channel started.
2016/12/05 14:49:42 -05:00 Repo URL: https:<rhel 6 rpm channel>
2016/12/05 14:49:42 -05:00 Sync of channel completed in 0:00:00.

If I haven't received any syncs since August, then this broke long before I 
migrated to the physical server.

Any thoughts?


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