Or you could fix the query as stated in this PR on GitHub: 

This adds PostgreSQL 9.6-support.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Andreas Dijkman

Cygnis<http://www.cygnis.nl/> | Stationsweg 3B | 9726 AC Groningen

On 23 Feb 2017, at 14:32, Ree, Jan-Albert van 
<j.a.v....@marin.nl<mailto:j.a.v....@marin.nl>> wrote:

Just use the stock CentOS7 PostgreSQL 9.2 , which works flawless out of the box.

And as a tip : also use the same PostgreSQL database for your jabberd database, 
this for us has finally completely fixed all OSAD problems.
Been running over a month without any machine losing connection through OSAD.

Jan-Albert van Ree  | Linux System Administrator | MARIN Support Group
MARIN | T +31 317 49 35 48 | mailto:j.a.v....@marin.nl | http://www.marin.nl

MARIN news: 

on behalf of Rob Sterenborg 
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 14:14
To: spacewalk-list@redhat.com<mailto:spacewalk-list@redhat.com>
Subject: [Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk, PostgreSQL 9.6, SQL reserved words


We currently use Spacewalk 2.2 with PostgreSQL 8.4 on CentOS 6 and we have 
problems with it (TRACEBACK emails), so I want to replace these old servers. 
I'm now setting up Spacewalk 2.6 with PostgreSQL 9.6 on CentOS 7.

Installing and importing the database seems to have worked, however..

Now I get a different "TRACEBACK" error email from Spacewalk, and my eye fell 
on this:
Extra information about this error:
SQL Error generated: ('ERROR:  syntax error at or near "method"\nLINE 3: ...    
                    sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,\n                      
                                          ^\n', <connection object at 
0x7f8d7b8271e0; dsn: 'port=5432 host=nmo\-spd\-001\.netmatch\.local 
password=xxxxxxx dbname=spaceschema user=spaceuser', closed: 0>, '\n            
        select sa.action_id id, a.version,\n                           
sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,\n                           
at.unlocked_only,\n                           a.prerequisite\n                  
    from rhnServerAction sa,\n                           rhnAction a,\n         
                  rhnActionType at\n                     where sa.server_id = 
%(server_id)s\n                       and sa.action_id = a.id\n                 
      and a.action_type = at.id\n                       and sa.status in (0, 1) 
-- Queued or picked up\n                       and a.earliest_action <= curren
amp -- Check earliest_action\n                       and not exists (\n         
                  select 1\n                             from rhnServerAction 
sap\n                            where sap.server_id = %(server_id)s\n          
                    and sap.action_id = a.prerequisite\n                        
      and sap.status != 2 -- completed\n                           )\n          
            order by a.earliest_action, a.prerequisite nulls first, a.id\n    ')

Searching for this error I found these:

In /usr/share/rhn/server/handlers/xmlrpc/queue.py, "def 
_future_actions_enabled(self):" reads from line 229:
   _query_queue_future = rhnSQL.Statement("""
                   select sa.action_id id, a.version,
                          sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,
                     from rhnServerAction sa,
                          rhnAction a,
                          rhnActionType at
                    where sa.server_id = :server_id
                      and sa.action_id = a.id
                      and a.action_type = at.id
                      and sa.status in (0, 1) -- Queued or picked up
                      and a.earliest_action <= current_timestamp + 
numtodsinterval(:time_window * 3600, 'second')  -- Check earliest_action
                      and at.label in ('packages.update', 'errata.update',
                           'packages.runTransaction', 'packages.fullUpdate')
                     order by a.earliest_action, a.prerequisite nulls first, 

I tried this query manually and it failed on "at" and "method". Both look like 
reserved words to me (my SQL editor agrees in this), and when I replace those 
with "atype" and "method1" the query works.

Of course this is not *the* solution, because my Python-fu isn't that great and 
I haven't looked where this "method" is being used. However, I do think that 
this needs to be fixed.

When I read about installing Spacewalk[1] I found that I can use PostgreSQL > 
8.4, so I thought 9.6 should be fine. Now I'm not so sure anymore. Do I need to 
downgrade PostgreSQL for this to work, and if yes, to which version?

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/PostgreSQLServerSetup


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