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Take care.
msn: waldi...@gmail.com
Skype: waldirio
Site: www.waldirio.com.br
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On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 2:18 PM, <rosario.matt...@accenture.com> wrote:

> Hello Waldirio,
> thanks a lot for your exhaustive explanation. Now the overall management
> is clear.
> Definitely, if I understand well, what I see in my deployment (managing
> all the Linux hosts – RHEL, CENTOS, SLES, Debian) is that using Spacewalk I
> do not need to install the smart management addon on the RHEL hosts neither
> to purchase the Satellite subscription. The difference between a Satellite
> or a Spacewalk deployment is just the support on the Management platform
> itself. Please, correct me if I’m wrong.

Not only support, there are another points in the product *which you don't
have to do manually* and a lot of another benefits, like knowledge base,
support 24x7, etc etc etc

> Regarding
> - With Spacewalk (deployed on a RedHat registered host), will I see only
> the Spacewalk server registered on my RedHat Account?
> A: Independent of product installed in your rhel, you will be able to see
> the server via webUI / customer portal.
> so I can see all the RHEL registered hosts via customer portal. Is it
> right?

Nops, as you said, you will see only your RHEL which you have installed the
SW, all machines registered on SW will not be visible via webUI / access
portal. Will be available via Spacewalk webUI only.

> Best regards,
> Rosario
> *From:* spacewalk-list-boun...@redhat.com [mailto:spacewalk-list-
> boun...@redhat.com] *On Behalf Of *Waldirio Manhães Pinheiro
> *Sent:* mercoledì 8 marzo 2017 12:55
> *To:* spacewalk-list@redhat.com
> *Subject:* Re: [Spacewalk-list] RedHat Subscriptions Management deploying
> Spacewalk
> Hello Rosario
> I'll share another points to you and on sequence I'll answer your
> questions.
> Let's imagine the scenario, you have 100 rhel servers and you would like
> to register / update all of them, when talking about Satellite, will be
> necessary one addon named *smart management* and you have to pay for this
> to all your servers although when talking about SW this one come with the
> project, then, will be possible to you register 100 rhel's in your SW
> without problem, on this scenario you will be compliance., now let's
> imagine, you have 100 rhel subscriptions but you will register 200, you can
> register one huge number of clients on your SW without problem, but the
> point is, if you have 100 rhel subscription, you should register on your SW
> only 100, if you need 200, should be necessary by +100 subscriptions.
> Technically talking you will not be blocked from SW to register new
> clients, this is only one legal term that you need take care, if you read
> the contract, you will see, you can use RHN, Satellite or another way to
> keep your environment up to date, there isn't restriction BUT the number of
> subscription is one limiter.
> That said, you can download your rhel 6.8 or rhel 7.3 packages for
> example, create one base channel on your satellite and just upload all
> packages, after this will be possible define this base channel to your
> client and voilá, you will be able to reach packages from SW. Remember, to
> keep erratas up to date, will be necessary do additional steps. To sync
> different versions of rhel in your SW will be necessary additional scripts
> or diff ways to download and then upload in your SW.
> - Without Spacewalk, on my RedHat account I can see all the hosts
> registered on RHN belonging to that account. They are supported by RedHat
> under the SLA described in the contract service, aren’t they?
> A: Yeap, if you have one subscription with a valid status, sure, you can
> just open a new case and Red Hat will help you.
> - With Spacewalk (deployed on a RedHat registered host), will I see only
> the Spacewalk server registered on my RedHat Account?
> A: Independent of product installed in your rhel, you will be able to see
> the server via webUI / customer portal.
> - How can I manage all other hosts?
> A: This management will be via SW
> - Are they under the RedHat support as without the Spacewalk deployment?
> A: As I told you, if you have 100 subsc and you are using SW just to
> manager your environments, doesn't matter, you can ask for support to all
> of them, now if you need Spacewalk support, this one will not be supported
> by Red Hat.
> I believe now be clear. :-)
> Let me know if you have any additional question.
> ______________
> Best Regards
> Waldirio
> msn: waldi...@gmail.com
> Skype: waldirio
> Site: www.waldirio.com.br
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.waldirio.com.br&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=644gfS_9K89_zGO_rgMb1_06iScBYINTzTzsgFZB-3s&s=n2-wG22WzsqtSckP5XiUUlHdtyujisrcY9siq_m4EDA&e=>
> Blog: blog.waldirio.com.br
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__blog.waldirio.com.br&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=644gfS_9K89_zGO_rgMb1_06iScBYINTzTzsgFZB-3s&s=Uu8ROW-Eeswx4oC6trXkGxtbF4BF-fTgP5_V9lZ7YkQ&e=>
> LinkedIn: http://br.linkedin.com/pub/waldirio-pinheiro/22/b21/646
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__br.linkedin.com_pub_waldirio-2Dpinheiro_22_b21_646&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=644gfS_9K89_zGO_rgMb1_06iScBYINTzTzsgFZB-3s&s=52C-nGKmUPIuGCnVYoY5Wfp0DYAvM6TVF26K0rtJuyc&e=>
> PGP: www.waldirio.com.br/public.html
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.waldirio.com.br_public.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=644gfS_9K89_zGO_rgMb1_06iScBYINTzTzsgFZB-3s&s=y5svQOe-dC602TrQF7AR7ky8pCwYdeP9Xx_79dgIOM4&e=>
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 7:08 AM, <rosario.matt...@accenture.com> wrote:
> Thank you Waldirio,
> when I say “I’ve the subscriptions for all my RedHat hosts” I mean that
> I’ve signed a contract with RedHat in order to be able to register on
> RHN/RHMS all the RHEL hosts I provision on my own infrastructure. Nowadays,
> not all of those hosts are registered, but the Spacewalk deployment has
> been planned to avoid the hosts to go massively on Internet to download
> updates. Thus, I’m going to register these hosts on Spacewalk.
> From you response I see that technically it’s possible to manage RedHat
> hosts via Spacewalk, even if some scripts are needed, but my doubt is about
> the management of entitlements. There are two scenario but I don’t know
> which is actually the behavior. I’m trying to figure out here a recap
> looking for a confirmation:
> -         Without Spacewalk, on my RedHat account I can see all the hosts
> registered on RHN belonging to that account. They are supported by RedHat
> under the SLA described in the contract service, aren’t they?
> -         With Spacewalk (deployed on a RedHat registered host), will I
> see only the Spacewalk server registered on my RedHat Account?How can I
> manage all other hosts?Are they under the RedHat support as without the
> Spacewalk deployment?
> Regards,
> Rosario
> *From:* spacewalk-list-boun...@redhat.com [mailto:spacewalk-list-
> boun...@redhat.com] *On Behalf Of *Waldirio Manhães Pinheiro
> *Sent:* mercoledì 8 marzo 2017 05:02
> *To:* spacewalk-list@redhat.com
> *Subject:* Re: [Spacewalk-list] RedHat Subscriptions Management deploying
> Spacewalk
> Hello Rosario, good morning
> Well, you can do this configuration for your environment btw I would like
> to share some points with you. Using SW you can register your RHEL clients
> and manage everything although will be necessary sync the rpm packages /
> repositories from Red Hat and add this one on your Satellite. There are
> some scripts to do this action or you could create your own scripts, I
> believe you can find on our history.
> Once you said *I’ve the subscriptions for all my RedHat hosts* I believe
> you have *smart management addon* to all your RHEL servers, that's correct
> ? If yes, I really recommend you align with your red hat sales just to
> check the Satellite subscription. Why ? the answer is simple, using
> Satellite, there are a lot of steps that satellite will do for you, like
> sync red hat repos and erratas will be *automatically* without necessity to
> do manually, when talking about SW, you can do this but will be necessary
> implement some or some time a lot of scripts / execute some steps manually.
> I wrote one book about SW and there you can find some points about your
> questions *http://www.brasport.com.br/informatica-e-tecnologia/
> linux/spacewalk-o-projeto-do-red-hat-satellite/*
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.brasport.com.br_informatica-2De-2Dtecnologia_linux_spacewalk-2Do-2Dprojeto-2Ddo-2Dred-2Dhat-2Dsatellite_-2A&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=Ud6BE2AbsluXlf6BI-dZAu5txnBGdIurSPSU14jUwIs&s=J9b8Mem9pXp_r9rOcKVUg3ADyh0nqt77yUvSEj6wjfo&e=>,
> in one month or less will be available the English version.
> Let me know if you have any additional question about it.
> ______________
> Atenciosamente
> Waldirio
> msn: waldi...@gmail.com
> Skype: waldirio
> Site: www.waldirio.com.br
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.waldirio.com.br&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=Ud6BE2AbsluXlf6BI-dZAu5txnBGdIurSPSU14jUwIs&s=GTcfVSqDevCsvMM0TL5U5Z12OWsYaW1FR7iTwqzLQrU&e=>
> Blog: blog.waldirio.com.br
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__blog.waldirio.com.br&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=Ud6BE2AbsluXlf6BI-dZAu5txnBGdIurSPSU14jUwIs&s=pZiIq8VwfPadwdu5r65Rq3LDuraDQVlANsVX_kC4G90&e=>
> LinkedIn: http://br.linkedin.com/pub/waldirio-pinheiro/22/b21/646
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__br.linkedin.com_pub_waldirio-2Dpinheiro_22_b21_646&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=Ud6BE2AbsluXlf6BI-dZAu5txnBGdIurSPSU14jUwIs&s=siqUeULcTS1gTNoPd6ZR5s6J9aKGdE4YUta3dIFyYTs&e=>
> PGP: www.waldirio.com.br/public.html
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.waldirio.com.br_public.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=IwCprbXurW_UyKCkbPR-2-kq6Zxded3znI-lOKTtI9g&m=Ud6BE2AbsluXlf6BI-dZAu5txnBGdIurSPSU14jUwIs&s=txpkQDBPMToVhpIthrZoEdgw3sdh2-f57nGFiBzW2Qw&e=>
> On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 2:20 PM, <rosario.matt...@accenture.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to configure a Spacewalk server to manage RedHat hosts. I’ve
> the subscriptions for all my RedHat hosts, but I don’t know how I can
> manage the subscriptions once all the hosts will be registered on the
> Spacewalk server rather than the RHN/RHMS. Could someone give me further
> details on this? I don’t know if a Satellite subscription is mandatory,
> even because I’ll use Spacewalk to manage other Linux distributions too,
> such as CentOS, SLES, Debian.
> Best regards,
> Rosario
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