You are using a clustered file system or network file system for cobbler
right? And only running taskomatic on one host right?

On Mar 19, 2017 8:30 PM, "Konstantin Raskoshnyi" <> wrote:

Hi folks,
I have two proxies, each has keepalived director, master on 1 and backup on

When I enable RR between two proxies on port 80 all requests work fine
except this one - download of KS profile:


I see in /etc/httpd/conf.d/cobbler-proxy.conf:
RewriteRule ^/cblr/svc/op/ks/(.*)$ /download/$0 [P,L]

If I remove this line everything works fine, except ks profile :D, none of
spacewalk urls are rewritten to proxy ip in ks profile.

Anyone has a clue how to fix this? Thanks

P.S. Looks like only second proxy instance causes this problem, if I remove
it from lvs, works fine.

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