
I just parse through this mails and notice this
> # yum repolist
> base/7/x86_64                       CentOS-7 - Base   9,363
> centos-7-base                       centos-7-base   9,363
> centos-7-centosplus                 centos-7-centosplus      71
> centos-7-cr                         centos-7-cr       0
> centos-7-extras                     centos-7-extras     337
> centos-7-fasttrack                  centos-7-fasttrack       0
> centos-7-updates                    centos-7-updates   1,577
> epel/x86_64                         Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 
7 11,625
> epel-7                              epel-7  11,737
> extras/7/x86_64                     CentOS-7 - Extras     337
> spacewalk/x86_64                    Spacewalk     116
> updates/7/x86_64                    CentOS-7 - Updates   1,577

I think that you will perhaps get some "duplicate"-Troube, because I think 
you have channels with identical repositories
The number of packages are identical in "updates/7/x86_64" and 
"centos-7-updates" etc.

As rhetoric question, how should yum know  which package to use if it is 
in both repositories... I dunno


Von:    Michael Mraka <michael.mr...@redhat.com>
An:     spacewalk-list@redhat.com
Datum:  11.05.2017 10:16
Betreff:        Re: [Spacewalk-list] Where are Spacewalk logs when 
applying patches?
Gesendet von:   spacewalk-list-boun...@redhat.com

Fouts, Christopher:
> I have registered the client to the SW server. However, I have not 
created a SW channel on the server.
> To “temporarily” work around this, I create 
/etc/yum.repos.d/spacewalk.repo in the client machine. Is this the correct 

You need spacewalk-client repo on the client machine. The easiest way to
setup it is:
   rpm -Uvh 

See https://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk/wiki/RegisteringClients 
for aditional details.

> # cat spacewalk.repo
> [spacewalk]
> name=Spacewalk
> baseurl=http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/2.6/RHEL/7/$basearch/
> gpgkey=http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-spacewalk-2015
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=1

This is a server repo, not needed on client.

> # yum repolist
> base/7/x86_64                       CentOS-7 - Base   9,363
> centos-7-base                       centos-7-base   9,363
> centos-7-centosplus                 centos-7-centosplus      71
> centos-7-cr                         centos-7-cr       0
> centos-7-extras                     centos-7-extras     337
> centos-7-fasttrack                  centos-7-fasttrack       0
> centos-7-updates                    centos-7-updates   1,577
> epel/x86_64                         Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 
7 11,625
> epel-7                              epel-7  11,737
> extras/7/x86_64                     CentOS-7 - Extras     337
> spacewalk/x86_64                    Spacewalk     116
> updates/7/x86_64                    CentOS-7 - Updates   1,577


Michael Mráka
System Management Engineering, Red Hat

Spacewalk-list mailing list


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