
I beg to differ. I have looked that up, and that string appears in every
single error that osa-dispatcher throws. It appears to be an incorrectly
written exception handling code, that causes its own exception. It always
appears right after "('Error caught:',)" which was clearly intended to
print out a particular error message, but instead fails and causes another
exception. See: (this isn't a bug for
this issue, just one that has a log that shows this activity)

These are all cases where different osa-dispatcher errors all are followed
('Error caught:',)
ERROR: unhandled exception occurred: (unicode argument expected, got 'str')

So I have to conclude that this particular message is not the cause of my
problem. And even if it were, I don't see any way I could have caused or
fix this error. My hostname doesn't have unicode in it, and expecting
unicode in a hostname would be very silly (allowing unicode in a hostname
might be ok, but not requiring it). The fact that there is an unhandled
exception at all means that there is a bug in the code, but I'm 99% sure
that is in the Error-handling code and not something that is functional to
the program. If you really think this is the problem that is affecting me,
please provide some help as to fixing it, as Google brings up nothing.

Bruce Wainer

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:22 AM, Robert Paschedag <>

> Jun 27 16:59:05 NETMAN osa-dispatcher: ERROR: unhandled exception
> occurred: (unicode argument expected, got 'str').
> That's your reason.
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