Hi, thanks for the response, it is very much appreciated!

I started over completely, built fresh RHEL 7. 4  Followed directions
exactly, zero deviation from published wiki, installation failed
(install db log output at bottom).

That error is identical to the bug report filed in bugzilla

That is a very very old bug, and following the steps in this bug report
resolved it.  But why? 

Still also stuck on the rhnlib error. 

I've built it out now 3 times on RHEL 7.4 on fresh installs.  Same
errors.  I do not understand how others have built on RHEL 7 and not
seen the createlang bug?  The error message, and resolution, are nearly
the same as the bug report for Spacewalk <1.9 -- I commented out the
createlang piece since plpgsql is already there..so it doesn't fail.

As far as rhnlib.....my system pulled in the rhnlib package in the
spacewalk27 repo as a dependency.  Should that not be the case?  Should
I remove that and install the rhnlib package from Redhat? 

Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable postgresql.service'.

Created symlink from
/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/postgresql.service to

Hint: the preferred way to do this is now "postgresql-setup initdb"

Initializing database ... OK


/usr/bin/spacewalk-setup-postgresql: line 165: [: 018446744073692774399:
integer expression expected

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start postgresql.service

^[[3;J^[[H^[[2Jcreatelang: language "plpgsql" is already installed in
database "spacewalkschema"



On 01/08/2018 03:19 AM, Michael Mraka wrote:
> Eric:
>> No, it started out as a clean install.  But once it failed the first
>> time, the db existed.  Anyway, I found and worked around the bug that
>> caused the initial failure, and the install now get's all the way
>> through to the certificate creation, where it fails with an error about
>> not finding rhnlib.  There are two rhnlib packages, one from Redhat and
>> one from Spacewalk.  The Spacewalk rhnlib is the one installed.
>> There are some older bugs with rhnlib, but nothing I've found yet seems
>> related to this issue.
>> A question for you.  When you installed on RHEL 7.4, was the system also
>> registered to the Redhat Server Optional channel?
> Hello Eric,
> We automatically test clean installation as described on
> https://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk/wiki/HowToInstall.
> Which says make sure you are subscribed to the Red Hat
> Optional Server channel.
> Rhnlib is a default package in RHEL installation so you've most likely used
> some minimal / cloud / custom installation image which also may miss some
> other default packages. If the version from RHEL satisfies yum install
> transaction it should work.
>> I'm just wondering if there are some conflicting packages between the
>> Red Hat channels, EPEL, and the Spacewalk 2.7 Server channels.
> No, at least not within the set of necessary channels described in
> HowToInstall.
> Regards,
> --
> Michael Mráka
> System Management Engineering, Red Hat
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