Hi All,

I have a requirement to manage a bunch of CentOS servers that are all
disconnected from the internet. These are the kinds of things I'm looking
to accomplish:

yum updates and security patches, preferably for multiple version #s of
CentOS 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, and 7.x
rapid deployment of new servers, preferably with predefined security
configurations; currently, the systems are primarily physical,
virtualization might come later
sometimes the "rapid deployment of servers" might include blowing away what
is currently on an existing server and reinstalling a fresh system

For the building of the spacewalk server itself, how complicated is it to
build the server itself offline - i.e. resolving all the dependencies and
populating with all the needed rpms? (It might be possible to build the
server connected to the internet initially, and then move it offline)

Is spacewalk a good tool to meet these requirements?

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