
The package is under /var/satellite path, yes I can download the package
from the webUI, I have tested again the errata's deploy and there are not
errors showed on the error_log file.

Any further ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Ezequiel A. Sozzi.

2018-04-11 4:59 GMT-03:00 Michael Mraka <michael.mr...@redhat.com>:

> Ezequiel Sozzi:
> >  Hello!
> >
> > I'm currently have a problem with erratas deployments. While I'm trying
> to
> > deploy an errata I get the following error:
> >
> > *Details:*
> > This action will be executed after 4/9/18 12:16:00 PM GMT
> > This action's status is: Failed.
> > The client picked up this action on 4/9/18 8:23 AM
> > The client completed this action on 4/9/18 8:23 AM
> > Client execution returned "Failed: Packages failed to install properly:
> > Package libgudev1-0:219-30.el7_3.9.x86_64 is not available for
> > installation" (code 32)
> >
> > Errata Affected:
> >    - RHBA-2017:1311 - systemd bug fix update
> ...
> > sha256:d36b44c7639c9ef352289a48c78e2b7b2c20ad16fa140154bdf6d152a6e702ab
> > libgudev1-219-30.el7_3.9-x86_64
> ...
> >
> > Comparing the packages I found that Spacewalk is trying to download
> > libgudev1-*0:*219-30.el7_3.9.x86_64 instead
> libgudev1-219-30.el7_3.9-x86_64
> > I've been looking on rhn logs but I didn't find any log that could advice
> > me about where the "0:" is added to the packages name.
> > More weird is this problem only happens with only one repository.
> >
> > Does anyone have any Idea about what it could be happening?
> Hello Ezequiel,
> It's not a but It's just two different way how to reference the package.
> libgudev1-219-30.el7_3.9-x86_64 in the erratum is the real filename of
> the package. While action refers to so-called NEVRA
> (name-epoch-version-release-arch) so the "0:" part is epoch which is not
> included in filename.
> IMHO this is not a cause of your issue.
> Is the pacakge on the spacewalk filesystem (under /var/satellite)?
> Can you download package from the package detail page in webUI?
> Is there any error in /var/log/httpd/*error_log?
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Best Regards.
> >
> > Ezequiel Sozzi.
> Regards,
> --
> Michael Mráka
> System Management Engineering, Red Hat
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