My usual problem is that I forgot to copy that file, so it’s not there on the 

What I usually do is do an rsync of the files residing on the ISO and exclude 
the RPM-files to some local folder and copy the .treeinfo and .discinfo to that 
folder as well. Then use that folder to create a kickstart-distribution and let 
spacewalk/cobbler/pxe do the rest of the magic.

mkdir /opt/distro-trees/ol7.5-x86_64
rsync -avr --exclude '*.rpm' /media/* /opt/distro-trees/ol7.5-x86_64/
cp /media/.treeinfo /opt/distro-trees/ol7.5-x86_64/
cp /media/.discinfo /opt/distro-trees/ol7.5-x86_64/

I then create or update my kickstart-distribution using the folder 

Hope that helps.

Andreas Dijkman

> On 30 May 2018, at 09:08, Nikos Zaharioudakis <> wrote:
> Hi Spacewalk gurus,
> Apart from the hot topic about forking, does anybody have some
> thoughts about the below ?
> Apologies for top-posting and bringing the issue up again, but it
> seems really irritating at this point.
> Thanks in advance,
> Nikos
> Nikos
> ########################################3
> Zaharioudakis Nikos, RHC{A,DS,E,VA,X,I}, VCP(4,5},VCI, Mentor VCI,
> Zimbra Instructor
> Public  Calendar :
> +30 694 720 40 63
> On 28 May 2018 at 19:08, Nikos Zaharioudakis <> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> Apart from the fork or not to fork from Spacewalk I have a tiny issue
>> and any inptut would be highly appreciated.
>> Trying to PXE provision from a spacewalk 2.8 gives me the error that
>> the .treeinfo file cannot be picked up and as a result tries to switch
>> to squashfs which doesn't exit. (check attached screenshot)
>> More background info:
>> I am trying to PXE boot a vmware machine which relies in the same
>> subnet with the Spacewalk
>> from the logs I realise that it picks up an ip address and the TFTP
>> server provides it the right vmlinuz initrd file
>> /var/log/messages
>> May 28 16:13:00 du-tst-spw-trn02 in.tftpd[15736]: Client
>> ::ffff: finished
>> /images/rhel-74-server-rpms-pure-gui-dvd-import-repo:1:Synchronoss-test00/vmlinuz
>> May 28 16:13:03 du-tst-spw-trn02 in.tftpd[15737]: Client
>> ::ffff: finished
>> /images/rhel-74-server-rpms-pure-gui-dvd-import-repo:1:Synchronoss-test00/initrd.img
>> May 28 16:13:09 du-tst-spw-trn02 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from
>> 00:50:56:a3:1c:b9 via ens192
>> May 28 16:13:10 du-tst-spw-trn02 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to
>> 00:50:56:a3:1c:b9 via ens192
>> May 28 16:13:10 du-tst-spw-trn02 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for
>> ( from 00:50:56:a3:1c:b9 via ens192
>> May 28 16:13:10 du-tst-spw-trn02 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to
>> 00:50:56:a3:1c:b9 via ens192
>> Apache access log says that the kickstart file was picked up
>> ==> /var/log/httpd/access_log <==
>> - - [28/May/2018:16:13:13 +0100] "GET
>> /cblr/svc/op/ks/profile/ks-rhel-74-server-rpms-pure-gui-dvd-import-eus:1:XXXXXXX-test00
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 52106 "-" "curl/7.29.0"
>> The operating system in question is rhel 7.4 which was imported with
>> locally mounted iso file.
>> It seems that the .treeinfo file is imported
>> /var/cache/rhn/reposync/1/rhel-74-server-rpms-pure-gui-dvd-import-repo/.treeinfo
>> Side note.
>> * The distribution was created successfully from the gui menu:
>> Systems--> Kickstarts--> Distribution
>> * The relevant Software channel provides access to libxml2-python,
>> spacewalk-koan rhnlib etc packages. There is a note when trying to
>> create the Kickstart progile but it was fixed by joining the relevant
>> repos
>> I am pretty sure I am missing something here. But what ?
>> All I need is to PXE install a machine with a specific RH 7.4
>> installation for our PoC lab
>> Well I could boot from a standard iso and then append something like
>> inst.ks=http:// ... pointing to the kickstart file, but I guess it
>> defeats the purpose doesn't it ? :-)
>> Thanks in Advance,
>> Nikos
>> ########################################3
>> Zaharioudakis Nikos, RHC{A,DS,E,VA,X,I}, VCP(4,5},VCI, Mentor VCI,
>> Zimbra Instructor
>> Public  Calendar :
>> +30 694 720 40 63
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