Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction for this puzzler.

I upgraded our 2.9 instance (host is Centos 7) to 2.10 on Friday. The process 
was not painless, but I think it completed successfully. (Details at end if 

Clients: Centos 6 and 7

Since then, we get an intermittent email :

Taskomatic bunch repo-sync-bunch was scheduled to run within the 
repo-sync-1-119 schedule.

Subtask repo-sync failed.

For more information check 

However - an hour later, we get another email

Taskomatic bunch repo-sync-bunch was scheduled to run within the 
repo-sync-1-135 schedule.

Subtask repo-sync finished successfuly and is back to normal.

I looked into this yesterday and as the _err file referenced centos 8 repos, I 
removed and cleaned them (We weren't using them anyway). Since then it's 
complaining about packages in the c7 and c6 repos, picking different packages 
to be upset with.

Example _err

08:00:06   Linking packages to the channel.
08:00:07 ERROR: Could not find object 
[<spacewalk.server.importlib.importLib.IncompletePackage instance; 
attributes={'package_size': None, 'package_arch_id': 119, 'name': 
'nagios-plugins', 'checksum_list': None, 'md5sum': None, 'org_id': 1, 'epoch': 
None, 'checksums': {'sha256': 
'channels': {119: 'epelupdatesc6_5'}, 'nevra_id': 221777, 'package_id': None, 
'last_modified': None, 'name_id': 7064, 'version': '2.3.3', 'checksum': 
'1e4db6477704201957d5bda75f10cc3ce78dca507597a0e7f884c40021578712', 'release': 
'1.el6', 'checksum_type': 'sha256', 'arch': 'x86_64', 'evr_id': 3456, 
'checksum_id': 14710985}] in table rhnPackage
08:00:07 Sync of channel completed in 0:00:36.
08:00:07 Total time: 0:00:36

In this case - nagios-plugins-2.3.3-1.el6 exists in 
http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/ but 
not in our local repos where the latest version is 2.3.2. However, other 
packages have been mentioned too.

Manually syncing the repo generates the same error as above, consistently:  
/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync --channel epelupdatesc6_5 --type yum

Google tells me this happens occasionally to people across previous versions of 
Spacewalk, so it may not be a 2.10 specific issue, although in one version 
Redhat blame a code problem; https://access.redhat.com/solutions/124363  - I'm 
not sure that's the case here.

Why is spacewalk having this issue, then apparently fixing itself an hour 
later? (I'm not sure it is fixing itself as the issue persists when run 

How do I fix it?

Thank you

  *   Upgrade issues: Following this guide, 
https://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk/wiki/HowToUpgrade Went okay until 
"spacewalk-setup -upgrade" when it failed and wiped config. However, a yum 
upgrade using the new repos completed successfully so I went with that.

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