On Sun, 03 Mar 2002 00:08:41 -0800
"Rob McMillin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me get this straight -- we have ignorant and the willfully abusive 
> people in these countries creating or abetting spam for others to deal 
> with, and *we're* supposed to be concerned about public relations?

The willfully abusive are usually not in those countries. On the contrary,
they're usually either from the U.S or Europe.

> The one I submitted *does*.

It only works for *you* and that's mostly because you are not anywhere
near those countries or doing business with people there.
Maybe there could be a page on the spamassassin site that contains contributed
rules that might be usefull but arent in the default distribution?

Isnt this exactly what the RBL's are for anyway? Catch the servers that actually 
ARE open relays as opposed to catching those that, well, might be depending
on where you are.

Lars Hansson

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