
Yesterday I have mass-check'ed 5 weeks worth of email, after
downl,oading the lasted SA 2.20 (not from CVS, I did not find any
reference to CVS) (spam and non-spam (OK, I made the mistake to put
back the false -ve or false +ve in the global corpus, next time I'll
prepare 4 categories)).

Altogether there must be about 7000 of truly non spam, some using Thai
language, some from Thailand, all to Thailand.

I am not in favor to put the file on anonymous ftp, because it
basically contains a list of users.

Where should I email the files?

I also noticed the following error message while mass-check was running:

Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected non-continuation byte 0xc3 after
start byte 0xe4) in substitution iterator at
../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm line 729, <MBOX> line 5890.

Failed to run LINES_OF_YELLING SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Substitution loop at ../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/EvalTests.pm
        line 892, <MBOX> line 38954.  )


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