I finally have gotten spamd to run a virtual machine, but now it seems to
be having a problem getting it to find the rules files.
spamd -D
debug: ignore: test message to precompile patterns and load modules
debug: using "../rules" for default rules dir
debug: using "/etc/spamassassin" for site rules dir
No configuration text or files found! Please check your setup.

I know they are supposed to reside in /etc/mail/spamassassin but since
I don't have access to that area I would them to reside elsewhere.

my $DEF_RULES_DIR       = '$(PREFIX)/share/spamassassin';
my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR     = '/usr/home/paloalto/etc/mail/spamassassin'; 

Anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong ?

Also, what files exactly are the rules files that spamd is looking
for, *.cf files ? 

Thanks so much,

Ray Curtis                                     
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                             http://www.ccux.com

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